Type: Protein
Applications: Cell Assays
E=ELISA; FACS; FC=Flow Cytometry; FPLC=Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography; GF=Gravity Flow; HPLC=High Performance Liquid Chromatography; ICC=Immunocytochemistry; IF=Immunofluorescence; IHC=Immunohistochemistry; IP=Immunoprecipitation; NAC=Non-adherent Cell Assays; NB=Neutralization of Bioactivity; SE=Sandwich ELISA; TPE=Targeted Protein Expression; WB=Western blotting; ; AC=Adherent Cell Assays; FM=Fluorescent Micsroscopy; ; ; BSC-CM5= Biacore Sensor Chip CM5; BSM=Biosactive Small Molecule or Peptide; CDM=Cell Differentiation Media; ; ; ; ; ; Health and Fitness; ; ; DNA Extraction/Purification; ; In vivo Like AssaysSpecies Reactivity: H
B=Bovine; Ca=Cat; Ch=Chicken; D=Dog; EQ=Equine; GP=Guinea Pig; H=Human; M=Mouse; P=Porcine; Pr=Primate; R=Rat; Rb=Rabbit; Y=Yeast; Xe=Xenopus; Ze=Zebrafish; ; ; ; NA-Not Applicable; STP=Step-Tactin Proteins; All
Flt3-ligand (FMS related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand, flk-2 ligand) is involved in proliferation and differentiation of early hematopietic cells. Flt3-ligand synergizes with other CSF’s and interleukins to induce proliferation of early hematopoietic cells, but does not stimulate growth or differentation alone. Flt3-ligand binds to cells expressing the tyrosine kinase receptor Flt3. Multiple isoforms of Flt3-ligand have been identified but the predominant biologically active isoform is a transmembrane protein which can be proteolytically cleaved to generate a biologically active soluble form.
Graph: Flt3-Ligand IsoKINETM Tested for bioactivity vs leading E. Coli derived growth factor
Potent New Flt3-Ligand at a Fraction of the Cost!
Our ISOkine™ Flt3-Ligand is produced using barley grain as a bioreactor, and therefore is animal-free, serum-free and endotoxin-free. Furthermore our unique technology enables us to offer high quality human Flt-3 ligand at much lower prices than the market leaders.